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  • H&P Global Headquarters

    222 N. Detroit Ave
    Tulsa, OK 74120
    +1 (918) 742-5531

  • H&P Aberdeen Office

    Bankhead Drive
    City South Office Park
    Portlethen, Aberdeenshire
    AB12 4XX, UK
    +44 1224 987000

H&P’s “whistleblower” policy prohibits the company or any of its employees from retaliating or taking any adverse action against anyone for raising a concern. If an employee (including legacy KCA Deutag employees) or other interested person nonetheless prefers to raise his or her concern in a confidential or anonymous manner, the concern may be submitted through our ethics hotline at 1-800-205-4913.

Legacy KCA Deutag personnel may also raise a concern via email at or online at