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Reduce Backoffs Downhole

While drilling, the Autodriller control system smoothly controls the block velocity to lessen the chance for backoffs. To detect when a stall is happening, we implement our StallAssist® technology to continuously monitor the differential pressure and mitigate the stall in order to reduce the likelihood of backing off downhole.

Reduce Sidetrack Frequency

Sidetracks can happen for a number of reasons. For example, a sidetrack will occur when you drill the wrong direction and end up too far out of zone. Other times it can happen when you leave something downhole and can’t fish it out or when you collide or get too close to another well.

Utilizing DrillScan® software, we optimize the bottom hole assembly (BHA) selection based on performance requirements and provide optimal drilling parameters. Our Bit Guidance System and proprietary AutoSlide® technology provide intelligent and autonomous execution of slides. Other technologies we implement are:

  • FlexTorque® to reduce vibration which can lead to BHA damage.

  • FlexB2D® to provide consistent bit engagement.

  • StallAssist®to quickly detect and react to stalls in order to reduce damage and the potential of equipment being stranded downhole.

  • AutoSlide® to autonomously execute slides that minimize tortuosity and sliding footage with increased precision.

  • Bit Guidance System to use data intelligence based on economics in order to choose the optimal sliding plan and meet directional drilling objectives.

Reduce Frequency of Laying Down Casing

Minimizing tortuosity is key to reducing the frequency in which casing is laid down. That’s why prior to drilling the well, we utilize DrillScan software and expertise to design the optimal well path and give the right recommendations for the best tools to use to drill the well to give our customer the highest likelihood of getting casing to planned depth. Our stiff string and centralization modeling helps land the casing and our hydraulics modeling helps optimize hydraulic and tripping speed calculations.

As we drill, the Bit Guidance System is deciding the optimal sequence of slides and then rotates to deliver the lowest tortuosity for drilling the well. Using the Automation Sequencer, we drill the surface, curve, and lateral. To directionally steer the well back to plan, we utilize the H&P proprietary AutoSlide technology.

While drilling the entire curve, Survey Management corrects the downhole measurements and Collision Avoidance ensures the convergence plan is clear. Additionally, with our DrillDown™ platform we communicate how the curve is drilling in real time.