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John Lindsay, president and CEO of H&P
“I am pleased to share H&P’s third annual Sustainability Report with our stakeholders. As we move forward, we further refine and improve our report, providing transparency to stakeholders not just around our non-financial data, but also highlighting how we operate as a company. In fiscal 2023, in addition to achieving financial successes, we also recognized non-financial achievements which are highlighted in the report. Each year we continue to set annual goals and targets holding ourselves accountable in the near-term and, new to this year, we established a longer-term target as well. We are proud of what we achieved this fiscal year, which would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our employees.”

- John Lindsay, president and chief executive officer, Helmerich & Payne, 2023 Sustainability Report

Read John's Full Message

Helmerich & Payne has long recognized the importance of promoting sustainability across the organization and the broader oil and gas value chain. Our annual Sustainability Report updates and builds upon the information we provided in the previous year.

Additional Documents

  • Aligned reporting with leading third-party frameworks including TCFD, SASB and GRI

  • Engaged with Ernst & Young to provide limited assurance on select sustainability metrics

  • Achieved a 3.7% normalized greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reduction in fiscal 2023 above our target of 1%

  • Reduced Serious Injury and Fatality (SIF) rates related to breakdowns in LifeBelts by 40%

Corporate governance at H&P encompasses the oversight mechanisms that help us mitigate risk and facilitate the execution of environmental, social, and governance initiatives. Learn more about our policies and meet the Board of Directors through the links below.

Governance and Policies Meet Our Directors
Contact the Sustainability Team

Questions or feedback regarding H&P's sustainability efforts? Please contact us.