Frequently Used Terms
HSE – Health, Safety & Environment
Actively C.A.R.E.® – Actively Control and Remove Exposures; at H&P, safety is… Controlling And Removing Exposure for self and others
LifeBelts – H&P’s Rules to Live by that highlight actions that individuals must take to protect themselves and
others from serious injury or fatality
SIF – Serious Injury or Fatality; a life-threatening, life-altering, or fatal injury
- Life-Threatening – work-related injury or illness that required immediate life-preserving rescue action, and if not applied immediately would likely have resulted in the death of that person
- Life-Altering – work-related injury or illness that resulted in a permanent and significant loss of a major body part or organ function that permanently changes or disables that person’s normal life activity
- Fatal – work-related injury or illness resulting in death
Incident – an unplanned and undesired event or chain of events that has, or could have, resulted in injury or illness or damage to assets, the environment or company reputation
SIF Incidents – Collectively SIF Actual, SIF Potential, and SIF Mitigated
SIF Actual – an incident in which there was an actual life-altering, life-threatening, or fatal injury;
SIF Potential – an incident with the potential for a life-altering, life-threatening or fatal injury; incidents
SIF Mitigated – An incident in which the potential was there for a life-altering, life-threatening or fatal injury but the potential was mitigated due to an intended barrier or control being in place;
SIF Exposure – SIF Actual + SIF Potential + SIF Mitigated = SIF Exposure; incidents per 200,000 hours worked
CAR and CAR/AR – a method of feedback comprised of the following parts
- CAR: Success Feedback
- Context / Action / Result
- Transition to broader discussion
- Follow-Up
- CAR/AR: Guidance Feedback
- Context / Action / Result
- Open ended question
- Alternative Action
- Open ended question
- Alternative Result
- Context / Action / Result
- Transition to broader discussion
- Follow-Up
COACH – Care, Observe, Approach, Converse, Help; a proactive people–based approach to control and remove exposures
Compass Cards – a pre-job planning discussion guide in a portable, easily accessible format; helps to facilitate a JSA or conduct a hazard analysis on a new job that may not have a JSA; please note that the Compass Card does not replace the JSA
Hierarchy of Controls – a system used in industry to minimize or eliminate exposure to hazards. The hazard controls in the hierarchy are, in order of decreasing effectiveness:
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
- Personal Protective Equipment
JSA – Job Safety Analysis; helps identify the safe job steps, associated hazards for each step, and safe work practices to eliminate or control exposure to each hazard
PJP – Pre-Job Planning; the process of defining the work and methods for identifying hazards and their controls, JSA, scheduling, specific task assignment and pre–job briefing
Near Miss – incidents that under slightly different circumstances could have caused illness, injury or damage to assets, the environment or company reputation, but did not; all near misses shall be treated as incidents and shall be investigated and reported according to their potential severity
Rig-Based Investigation – investigation strategy for incidents not requiring a Taproot®
Root Cause Analysis – a process or procedure that helps guide people to discover and understand the initiating causes of a problem, with the goal of determining missing or inadequately applied controls and/or knowledge that will prevent recurrence
SIF-Critical – a task with identified potential to cause a serious injury or fatality
SIF Decision Tree – a tool used to determine if an incident had SIF potential
SIF Exposure Alert – a brief summary of the incident provided to rigs in order to raise awareness around SIF exposures. Can be used at any point during the investigation process.
SIF Rate – the number of SIF events per 200,000 manhours worked; This calculation can be used for all 3 different SIF categories, SIF -Actual, SIF -Potential, and SIF- Mitigated
SLT – Safety Leadership Team; members from multiple departments and all business units that monitor data, along with employee feedback to refine strategy and objectives related to safety
Taproot® – a systematic process and training for determining the root causes of accidents
TRIR – Total (OSHA) Recordable Injury Rate